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Poetry quilting

Poèmes mélangeant les langues pour des impressions authentiques. Poetry with words from many languages. Quilting with impressions. Initialement parus comme légendes de photos .

Watch the stars


When swimming among the stars
   At night
My mind proudly esquisse the signs
   And letters
Of our reassuring abstract constructions
   De mémoire
Armature de papier pour paver l'inconnu

When listening deeper to the chant
   Of the night
My Self gets affraid and s'enfuit
   At last
And the space sends the craziest answers
   Je rêve

My vertige retentit and confirme that in fact
   We are
Inconscients bursts of light in the magistral whole
   Sin saber
And me tiro mil veces dans l'espace inifini
   Pour flotter
Et revivre the merge with the pure mystery
   Follow me

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